Impressions by Josephine Tallayo Grosskurth (Germany)

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The four-day event was short but fantastic, full of activities and interesting workshops. For example, knowing or learning more about the Bulul and a little review of some Igorot tradition is never a harm, especially to us living in Europe.

It is a very big thanks to Mrs. Emy Marcus from Frankfurt who sent me the invitation of this ICBE Consultation. We had wonderful days meeting lots of friends whom I only knew through Friendster. Well, I got more friends in Friendster whom I met in Vallendar like guys from Sweden, Switzerland, Ireland, some parts of Germany and other European countries. Anyhow, special thanks also to Manong Rhino Oblas and Manang Norma Wellhausen from Bonn who contacted me before the event.

I do hope to join the ICBE event in England because I promise myself not to miss this occasion. It is a hard job for the organizers and officers but we must not also forget that it is a lot of joy for each and every one of us.


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